
Showing posts from February, 2012

To Take Off

So the more I talk about it with friends and loved ones, the more I can feel it actually materializing. What will happen if it happens? That’s exactly what I shouldn’t be thinking of because that’s exactly what I am not going to be doing if this idea flies off. I’m excited and I’ve had some encouragements from people and equally received the opposite too. People react differently to change. I think what’s important is how you will evolve with all the change around you. So 2012 will be for saving, saving, saving…for the big change. So hopefully next year I can take off. Excited!

Dear Self

So here it is… it’s time. Stop screwing up other people’s lives, stop hanging on to them and don’t rob them of their chance to find their happiness. LEAVE. The world may be your playground but their lives are not your toys. They’ve caused you pain but still that does not give you the license to hurt them back. Be humble and take responsibility for your actions. That’s the the least that you can do. You will be brave Jimi . You will be brave. I am always rooting for you because I know that there’s still some goodness in you. Do not loose hope. Everything will be okay.

C’mon Now, Wake Up

Ironically, I feel like I have so much to write about but I just don’t get into doing so. I have so much to share, so much going on… too much going on actually. Serenity is what I need right now. Pretty much aware that some, if not most, of the chaos around me is self-inflicted. As with any other realization… I am too stubborn to do what I should do towards simplifying things. Too much of a coward. That has always been my weakness downfall. The bigger boulder though is that here I am fully aware of it yet I can’t seem to snap out of it. When will I ever learn.  stupid girl.