
Showing posts from 2016

Davao: A Sick Girl's First Visit to Davao Doctor's Hospital

"Ako na lang ang magkasakit..." - my very thought while wiping my little girl's forehead with a damp washcloth. I think every parent will agree with me.  The little girl has fever and it has been four days. Four long sleepless days. The first couple of days we were just observing her but on the third day, my husband had to skip work because she has reached 39 degrees, refuses to be put down, feeds are erratic and short and I also have a two-year-old to take care of.  I've been constantly offering my milk because I believe in the (super)powers of breastmilk and since we are still on direct latch, my body is aching, I'm sleepless and my nipples are sore.  So today we went to Davao Doctor's Hospital to have her checked. It was my first time to this hospital. I like that it's clean and it's impressive that people are lining up for the elevator. It was Makati Med-ish in the sense that it has a decent lobby and a coffee shop/deli inside.  It was wei

Life: Time Flies

Indeed, time flies. After a whole year of not updating this blog, I am back. A lot has happened and I can't believe it's only been a year!  For one, we have moved (again), this time it's Davao! This has been one of the top three cities that we considered settling down to, the other two are Malaybalay (Bukidnon) and Sagada (Mountain Province). We've been here for just a little over two months and so far we are loving it. It is tough moving to a new place especially with two kids in tow but by God's grace and with the support of our families and friends, we managed to pull it off.  I am still a stay-at-home-mom but there are a lot of tempting job opportunities here should I decide to work again. At this point though, I'm still not ready to let go of status quo. So at night I pray hard that I am able to manage our finances well so our family of four can continue living off my husband's income.  The kids have grown and are both full of surprises. They