His Faithfulness To My Prayers

Since early last year, I already had these plans.  I often discuss this intention with my friends but until this month they remained to be, well, just plans. 

When 2013 came in, I decided to pray for it.  I started asking Him for concrete signs that this is what’s good for me, for J and for our families.  To my amazement, He already gave me 3 signs in a span of three weeks, how’s that for an express delivery? I am dumbfounded as to how He communicated these signs to me -– through very unexpected channels.  Now I’m writing this entry not to brag that I finally did it or that it was a success.  I’m writing about this to share that He has been very faithful to the prayers of his daughter.  He has been truly faithful to me.  

Now it’s up to me to get these wheels moving.

Although I know that He has given me the go signal to pursue this but just like any major decisions and changes, I’m scared.  I will be pulled out of my comfort zone and will start establish roots on a different soil.  I know that I will stumble through challenges along the way.  I have a lot of apprehensions and I’m so anxious as to how I will go about fixing things and making sure that everything will run as smoothly as possible. 

I will never know if I’ll make it unless I gather all the courage to actually do what my heart desires.  Now that I got my signs, I will keep on praying... and I am confident that he will bless me again, because as he has been faithful with my prayers for signs, he surely will give me my prayers for guidance and courage too. 


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